C 0 R B L

Get upto 5.40%* on our Savings Account Balances with CORBL.

Corporate Higher Saving

Target Higher Savings

From 4.25% p.a

High Repayment Tenure

Corporate Nari Bachat

Interest Rate 4.00%

30K Personal Account

14.2K Corporate Account

Money Doesn't Come Without Care

Don't just make a deposit , make an investment today

4 Branches in Country

Secure Locker Facility

Loan Services

Providing flexible and reliable loan solutions to meet your financial needs.

Flexible EMI Calculator Online

Easily calculate your equated monthly instalment online.

  • EMI

  • Fixed Deposit

EMI Calculator

Minimum: NRS1 | Maximum: NRS10,00,00,000
Range: 1% to 20%
Maximum: 40 years or 480 Months

Fixed Deposit Calculator

Minimum: NRS1,000 | Maximum: NRS10,00,00,000
Range: 1% to 15% per year
Maximum: 10 years or 120 Months

Emergency Service Request
List of banking service & query requests all in one piece

Corporate Events

Here are the current events we are hosting.

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Facility For Your

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Few Interesting Numbers

Numbers that speak about banking service.

Our Network

4 Branches around the country


More than 30K customers

Mobile Banking

Comming Soon

Super Savings
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Blinded by desire that they cannot foresee pain & trouble that are bound.